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Full Day Rafting
  • Full Day Rafting

    The Zambezi River drops at the Victoria Falls, and enters the Batoka Gorge. This is our friend and lovely section of the day, the white-water section of the river. Below the Falls, is a magnificent and an awesome whitewater suitable for rafting and kayaking, earning it an accolade that is the best for whitewater rafting from the rafting fanatics in the world. The sections are comprised of class 4 and class 5 rapids that are guaranteed the adrenaline thirst you have. The whitewater is spiced by awe, incredible and amazing Batoka gorge. The view is second to none if the Victoria Falls one hasn’t taken all the glory. This is the best trip in Livingstone as it would be done when river is on full wrath to satisfy tour adventure craze. Wait a minute…You will be boiling there on the rapid#1...The Boiling Pot. This is where your adventure would start and you will paddle the first section of the river from rapid #1 to 10. Covering a distance of about 11 Km of pure whitewater rafting, The Morning Glory would spectacle you the glorious moment of the Zambezi. You will tackle one of the biggest rapids commercially run on this river; Stairway to Heaven if you do it nice…if not…it would be a highway to hell. The rapid is best in the early part of the season, with an 8m drop over 10m, very steep and powerful with a heap of massive waves and holes The Washing Machine, Midnight Diner and Gnashing Jaws of Death all await to quench your adventures desire for the morning section before you break for your lunch in river bank. How about Lunch to a roaring sound of the Zambezi River while you reflect on you friends action who had a highway to hell on rapid while the rest were on the Stairway to Heaven? After lunch it’s calmer but you will enjoy the rapids. The Mother, Terminator all awaits you before you reach the famous rapid#18, the Oblivion. This is one of the most memorable rapids that will make you always remember your trip on the Zambezi. The actions there are the most photographed. Three waves make up this rapid on the Zambezi.. The 3rd crashing wave is responsible for more raft flips than any other in the world – only about 1 in 4 attempts succeed! This rapid marks the end of the “low water” one-day run After that keep calm and paddle easily for check out. You will need normal fitness level to hike up the gorge but do not worry we will always be there to assist and give a hand. Slowly but surely you will reach the top of the canyon where you will meet our “African Air Conditioned Vehicle” waiting for you with soft drinks and beer for your refreshments and enjoyment while we transfer you back to your hotel. As a local company, your guides will be local guides who knows a lot a about the area and river. They have been here since birth and some boasts of over 15 years rafting the Zambezi. Complimentary photos of your trip would be given.


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